Embed Snaps on Hashnode

Learn how to embed beautiful code snippets on Hashnode

With snappify you can embed beautiful code snippets and also more sophisticated code explanations directly on Hashnode. Those embedded snaps are fully interactive which means that your viewers can easily copy the code.

Here you can see an example blog post: https://dominiksumer.hashnode.dev/easily-embed-beautiful-code-snippets-on-hashnode-using-snappifyio

How to

Click on the "Share" button on the Editor page.

Screenshot of the Share / Embed modal
Screenshot of the Share / Embed modal

The embed modal opens up and you have to select the "Hashnode" tab.

Screenshot of the embed modal for Hashnode
Screenshot of the embed modal for Hashnode

In the modal you can see an embed-code which you can copy to your clipboard and copy into your blog post on Hashnode. Voilá: your snap is embedded on Hashnode 🥳


Video showing the Hashnode embedding integration

Any questions?
Don't hesitate to ask them! 👇